Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Relay For Life

Friday, May 9, 2008, 7:00 P.M.
Relay for Life at Honey Horn Plantation, join us for “Cirque du Relay”.
Relay for Life is a fun-filled event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of your American Cancer Society. During the event, teams of people gather and take turns walking or running laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times. PreSchoolers will be decorating the luminaries purchased by preschool families and church members.

To purchase a luminary please see Deiha. The cost is $10 for one or $25 for three.

New To The Blog

Be sure to check out our slide show on the right column of this blog. Included are pictures from the school year. Be sure to tell friends and families about our blog. What a great way for grandparents to stay in touch. Feel free to leave a comment after a post. I would love some feedback.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction

A fun evening was had by all! The food was yummy, Thank you Bonnie for the sauce recipe. The Entertainment was beautiful. Cynthia Cullen sang a few songs for us as we ate. Gina Denckhoff made a photo slide show of the children using pictures taken throughout the year. If you missed the slide show, don't worry we are planning to show it at graduation.
Our Silent Auction was definitely a hit. We had over 156 donations from area businesses! To date we have turned in$6,000! We have a couple of small donations still outstanding. We hope to get these wrapped up here shortly.
I would like to thank all the parents who stepped up and helped out. It seems our lives become more hectic everyday and I appreciate your time and efforts.

May Events

Can you believe the school year is almost over?

Below is a schedule of the fun activities we will share.

Wednesday or Thursday May 7-8 Muffins for Mom 8:50-9:15am

May 9 Relay For Life

May 13 Picnic at Jarvis Creek Park 11:30am

May 22 Kindergarten Field Trip for Butterfly Class 10am

May 26 Closed for Memorial Day

May 29 End of the Year Program and Graduation. 11am followed by a cook out. Family Event

June 3 Beach Day at Driessen Beach 10am - ? One adult required to attend with preschooler. We will have a cookout for lunch.

June 5 Messy Day, Last day for 2 & 4 day students

June 6 Last Day for 3 & 5 day students

Doughnuts For Dad

The past two days we welcomed our Dad's into the classroom. We enjoyed a doughnut (or two) with Dad and showed him around our room. We especially liked when Dad took a few minutes to play with us.

Thanks Dads for joining us. Of course we had a few moms who could not resist stopping in. Don't worry we will have a day for you too.