Friday, September 26, 2008

Seasons Change

October will be spent enjoying the many joys of fall. The children will welcome autumn with fun crafts designed to practice fine motor skills, cooking activities to entice the senses and math/science lessons of discovery. Each Child will need to bring a pumpkin to school by October 13-14. The pumpkins will be used in many sorting, counting and categorizing activities. Pumpkins will be returned Oct. 23 & 24.

Thank you for supporting the PreSchool in our annual fundraiser. Orders may still be placed until Thursday, Oct. 2.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friends of the PreSchool

Meet some great folks who work with the children.

Meggan teaches a Movement and Music class each Tuesday morning. Those little hearts get pumpping and giggles are heard throughout the room.

Mrs. Willever comes once a week to present a Drama Class to the children. Pictured below the children are using puppets to act out Two Little Blackbirds.

Ms. Cinda from Hilton Head Fire and Rescue came to talk to the children about safety. The fireman come 2 times a month. Each month is a different safety topic. We also practice a classroom fire drill and find our meeting place outside the building.

Look for more friends coming soon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scholastic Book Orders

The October Scholastic Book Club Flyers are available online. Please follow the link at the right to place an order. Orders are due Oct. 3. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pampered Chef and Tastefully Simple Fundraiser

Please plan to join us for our Annual Fundraiser for 2008-2009 school year. Each family is asked to invite 5 friends to the party on Thursday, September 25 at 11am. For family and friends that can not attend the show, they may place their orders online. Simply click on the logo below to access the secure webpage to order. Thank you for your continued support!

Hurricane Hannah

Dear Parents,
Please follow the bellow link for up to date information concerning the approaching hurricane.

Island Lutheran PreSchool will follow Beaufort County Schools when closing for bad weather.